HARPTA Tax Waivers & Refunds | HARPTA Help | Hawaii
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HARPTA/FIRPTA Waivers and Early Refunds

HARPTA (Hawaii Real Property Tax Act) is a tax withholding of 7.25% of the gross sales price on the sale of Hawaii real estate by nonresident sellers.


FIRPTA (Foreign Real Property Tax Act) is the federal counterpart to HARPTA, and it is a tax withholding of up to 15% of the gross sales price on the sale of U.S. real estate by a foreign person.


Our firm specializes in assisting home sellers obtain a HARPTA/FIRPTA waiver, reduction or an early refund of their withholding.


We have more experience with HARPTA and FIRPTA than any other tax professional in the state. Our clients typically receive refunds in the tens of thousands of dollars.


Contact us for a free, no-obligation phone consultation.


We have assisted hundreds of clients in getting their HARPTA withholding reduced or eliminated for over a decade. 

We complete the necessary paperwork to get your money back in as little as 8 weeks

We use our knowledge of applicable federal tax rules to obtain full HARPTA waivers for military sellers of Hawaii real estate. 

We assist foreign sellers in filing for a waiver or reduction of the up to 15% withheld for FIRPTA.

We help home sellers complete certain past due tax filings so that nothing stands in their way of collecting their HARPTA or FIRPTA waiver or early refund.

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